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Mulch Beds to Save Water

A key issue for society is the effective management of water, both in times of flood and drought. Adding an effective mulch to beds and borders, in both commercial and domestic applications, is one action that will significantly contribute to help with this situation. A mulch performs many functions which combine to promote healthy plant growth; these include improving soil structure, increasing soil fertility and protecting plants from frost damage during winter. In relationship to water conservation good quality mulch will slow evaporation rates to improve moisture retention, resulting in a reduced need to irrigate. During heavy rainfall mulch will increase the total capacity of a bed to hold water, reduce run off, which in extreme conditions can contribute to flash flooding.

Waterwise is a UK not-for-profit organisation set up to drive reductions in the use of our valuable water resources. With funding from the UK Water Industry working alongside government and regulators Waterwise identify products that offer outstanding performance over their rivals through the Waterwise Recommended Checkmark. To receive the Checkmark products have to be water efficient or effective in reducing water wastage.

One of the most recent products to be awarded the Waterwise Checkmark is ProMulch® manufactured by Rolawn®, Europe’s largest producer of cultivated turf and Britain’s leading supplier of high quality topsoil. ProMulch® is a new quality peat free mulch manufactured from recycled chopped straw using a unique and patented process.

Waterwise’s Managing Director Jacob Tomkins said, “I am delighted that Rolawn’s ProMulch™ has been awarded the Waterwise Checkmark, this is an eco product in every sense of the word, from the source materials to its benefits in the garden. ProMulch makes our work a lot easier as it provides professionals (and amateurs) with the clever natural eco-technology they need to create beautiful functional gardens that can survive the floods and droughts we are going to be experiencing in the future.”

Paul Dawson Rolawn’s Managing Director commented “We are delighted to be awarded the Waterwise Recommended Checkmark, a great deal has been invested into the development of this new and innovative product. Not only does it save water on any planting scheme but it also saves landscapers, local authorities and amateurs alike money through needing less inputs. We have also found that its appearance provides a high quality professional finish to any planting scheme which sets it apart from other mulches”.