A quality, peat-free mulch that is manufactured from a mix of composted organic matter and arboriculture fines. Improving the efficiency of water use in times of both heavy rain and drought, ProMulch® has built a reputation for being unlike any other mulch, its dark and professional appearance helping to make planting schemes come alive.
ProMulch helps suppress weeds and protect plants from the vagaries of the weather, as well as creating an attractive finish to beds & borders.
- Helps to improve a soil’s:
- Texture
- Air content
- Friability
- Moisture retention
- Fertility
- Tried and tested by the RHS Garden Harlow Carr
- Peat free
- Nutrient rich
- Quick and easy to apply
- Suppresses weed growth
- Protects plant roots from frost
- Minimises soil erosion
Suitable for all garden mulching situations.